The Child With ADD and School Communication

Of all the accommodations recommended for the child with ADD, perhaps the most important is an established system of parent teacher communication. We all know of the school disasters and heart breaks that can occur as a result of faulty parent/teacher communications it is best to be proactive and as early as possible in the ADD child’s diagnosis formulate a parent/school communication plan.

The best ADD school communication procedures are established every year before school begins. A phone or email exchange is often required to establish how best to pursue ongoing communication throughout the school year but it really never too late in the school year to begin. You may meet with some resistance as some teachers prefer to communicate only as needed but this may not be the best plan of action for children with ADD.

Ongoing communication is required for several reasons. When communication only occurs when there is a problem, teachers dread having to inform the parent of the problems and parents perceive the communication as a reprimand or a failing on their part. With an ongoing communication plan, these emotional exchanges between parent and teacher can be avoided.

Helene Goldnadel says that prior to setting up the ongoing communication procedure the parent and teacher should meet to discuss the areas of difficulties that the child has had in past school years. Behavioral, organizational, attention and social issues should be discussed. The parent and teacher should agree on a communication ‘form’ that addresses all these areas.

In addition the ‘update’ form should have information regarding the school work and homework that the child will be required to complete and the time frame that the child has to complete each assignment. Many teachers draft an outline of weekly work and the teacher need not redo this outline. Simply attaching the outline to the update form will be sufficient communication.

For more info, visit here:

Elementary Education at School or at Home?

It has been said many times that young children are very impressionable, and learn best while they are young, but what does that mean when it comes to elementary education? As parents we always want the very best for our children, but what is the best when we are considering elementary education for our offspring? This can be a very difficult decision to make, but don’t worry, it’s only one of many, many decisions you’ll have to make as parents!


Elementary education is no doubt of extreme importance, as everything a child learns in these early days is built on as they get older. It is therefore of great importance to choose the best way for your child to get this education. Many parents nowadays feel that they can offer a better education at the elementary level at home rather than use the public education system, but is it really the best way to go? Helene Goldnadel provides a look further here.


Elementary school teachers are trained to teach elementary children, and the training is detailed and thorough. However, not all of these teachers are able to teach the whole range of subjects, for example they may not be musically inclined. But are you? Have you been trained in how to teach, and do you know what to teach? Can you teach all subjects? Is your math good enough? What about your art training? Now the actual teachers your child is assigned at school must play a big part in your decision, so it is necessary to meet with the principal, the teachers, and if at all possible, visit the classrooms while the teachers are teaching. This is not always possible, and it can be very disruptive having strangers in the classroom, but not that many parents actually visit the school during class. You need to see what your gut reaction is to the teachers. Are they people you feel comfortable with, are they easy to talk to? There are lots of questions you will want to ask I am sure. Is the teacher going to be teaching all subjects? Are they qualified to teach the specialist subjects like music and art? Do they encourage parents into the classroom? Do they have field trips? And the questions go on.


You then have to consider being the teacher at home, and there is a great deal to be said for home schooling. Certainly the ratio of teacher to child is fantastic. One on one is definitely better than 1 on 20. A home schooling parent can provide a quality education, especially in the early years, when the curriculum is not too specialized. But what concerns me most isn’t the education of the main subjects that home schoolers receive as much as the education in socializing that may not occur. When children are taught at home, they do not necessarily learn how to cooperate with others their age. They might not learn how to cooperate with a large group of children. They may never get the opportunity to be part of a large group activity, like the whole school producing a Christmas show. They may never get to meet with others of different upbringing, and while tolerance of others can be taught at home, it is perhaps somewhat easier in a school environment.


There is a lot more that will go into your decision about home schooling an elementary child. Elementary education is extremely important, and it deserves a thorough review by all parents, not just those considering home schooling for their child.


Also read: Parental Involvement in a Child’s Education

Help Your Kids Achieve Their Full Brain Potential

Our brain is the most complex and most vital organ of our body. Apparently, this organ also matures outside the mother’s womb; a baby is born with an incomplete brain. Thus, as he grows old, every experience during his/her early years will have an immense effect on his life. Parents know that they need to provide their children with a safe place to live and healthy foods to eat. Just as important as these basic needs are the positive intellectual, physical and emotional experiences that child has in his/hear early years of development. Parents, as well as educators during a child’s early childhood have the greatest influence on the child’s brain development and full potential.


Parents can do many things to assist their children become the best they can be. They need to provide their children with healthy and stimulating environment to assist in the development of children’s brain. Below are the tips suggested by Helene Goldnadel in this regard:


  • Parents and teachers should be warm as well as loving. Children also have senses that allow them to experience and discover what a relationship is. Interactions that are filled with warmth and love can make children feel secured and safe. Touching, for example is a simple gesture that can help stimulate the brain in releasing growth hormones.
  • Being responsive to a child’s expression, movements and sounds. Infants still cannot speak in order to communicate what they feel. Babies acquire the feeling of safety and security when their parents respond to them accordingly. Babies know that they will be comforted when they cry; will be fed when they are hungry and will be played with when they smile.
  • Sing, talk and read stories to your child. These things will help encourage language and speech development in children; even if the child still cannot understand what you are saying.
  • Create rituals and routines that will be reassuring for children. These things will help the child to learn about expectations. For example, when you close the curtains, the child will know that it is time for nap of for sleep. Giving your child predictable and safe interactions will help them perform better in school.
  • Encourage your child to explore, to be curious and to play. As a baby learns to crawl and to walk, that is also when he/she begins to explore. Parents need to be encouraging as the child becomes curious with the world around him/her. They need to be receptive to the child as he/she returns to once again feel safe after an exploration. Play time is an opportunity for children to explore and learn more.
  • Parents should carefully select which TV programs the children will watch. Children at a very young age are still in the stage of learning what reality and pretension are. There can be images in television programs that may promote language development but there are also those that will only lead to fright and confusion.
  • Impose discipline accordingly and use it a chance to teach children. Use discipline to supervise lovingly and consistently so the child will learn what his/her limits are.
  • Properly communicate to the child what he/she needs to do at that time. Use positive languages in redirecting a child’s attention. Saying no can be done without disregarding love. If you will set a rule for a child to follow. Make sure that you explain your reason for such rules. Be specific and limited in the tasks you are giving to a child. Pay attention to what a child also feels. Let them know how their actions can also affect other people. Encourage your child to also use proper words in expressing and communicating his/her own thought and feelings.


To learn more, please visit here:

Facts by Helene Goldnadel You Should Know About Special Education

Special education classes help a child learn who may have a learning disability or other problems that make it difficult to learn. Classrooms are set up to help the child learn and the class size is usually much smaller so the teacher can work with each child equally. Special education is important when a child cannot learn or has difficulty learning but still deserves the time and efforts it takes to learn.


Special education is a class taught to suit the needs of the individual. If a child has autism there may be an individual who is assigned to assist that child throughout the school day to meet all their physical needs. This allows the teacher the freedom to teach the child while someone works at another aspect of the disability. An assistant can also help the teacher in the classroom so she or he can get the lesson done more quickly.


Some schools offer a wide range in special education services. Some teachers will go to the child’s home in order to teach them so they can still receive their education under special circumstances.


A person who wants to teach or assist in special education should know that it take compassion and the ability to deal with children in a frequently stressful environment. Every child in class will act and react differently so you never know what you are going to encounter and what is considered a normal day for your class. You may have a class that requires minimal special attention. Others may require a lot of attention and even though you may have an assistant your job is still going to be stressful.


Get more help outside of the classroom. if you have volunteers at your school then you need to be able to utilize them in order to help you. When things do not seem like they are working in your classroom you need to do something immediately and not waste time. A volunteer may be the one person who can make a difference for a child in your classroom.


Helene Goldnadel believes special education is important in our society and it will determine how well a child succeeds as an adult if they have a disability. If a child is never taught how to deal with their disability then they will always consider it a burden however if a child is taught from the beginning how to deal with it, they can guess when they are going to have an attack, whether they are feeling negative, whether they need to change their routine, and more. If a child finds that accepting his disability at an early age can help them then they can use this help to succeed instead of constantly focusing on what they cannot do or will not be able to do because of their limitation.


Teaching special education is vital to our society today. Not only will you teach your students things but your students will probably teach you a lot as well.

Also read: Helene Goldnadel on Educational Path for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Helene Goldnadel Explains How To Get Your Child Ready For Kindergarten

As your child gets older, they will quickly approach the age of going into kindergarten. Going to kindergarten is an issue of age but it’s also one of maturity.  Your child needs to learn some basic skills that will help him or her be more ready for school. Below Helene Goldnadel discusses what you can do that will help you prepare your child for kindergarten.

Read to your child each day. This is a good practice as it does help your child learn. He or she will learn basic words better and will recognize more letters which will aid learning the ABC’s.  It will also stimulate your child’s imagination.

Also teach your child how to write the ABC’s because this will help them to learn them also. Plus it will help with their penmanship.

Get your child some very basic problem solving worksheets. These are things that you can do with your child. Many of these will work on basic skills like counting and thinking skills. Don’t go overboard on this as your child might not think it’s fun anymore if they are pressured to do them one after the other.

Teach your child how to get dressed properly. He or she might not be able to do it all but they should at least understand how the clothing works. This makes things like bathroom breaks a bit easier on the teachers and your child.

Try to get your child to know some very basic things. Teach them the colors, numbers, letters, and everyday names for common items. You can do a bit more if you want but this should be enough for kindergarten.

Teach your child to write and recognize his or her name. This will help in kindergarten as there will be things that are labeled with his or her name. You should also make sure they know their address and phone number in case of an emergency.

Socialize your child. Get him or her in front of other children. Make sure your child isn’t being overly selfish or mean to the other kids. Stop these bad behaviors as soon as you can. Teach them to play well with the other children in the neighborhood before they start school.

As your child approaches the age to go to kindergarten, there are some basic skills that you need to teach your child. Find out what these are so you can start working on them.


Also read: Helene Goldnadel on Helping Your Child Develop His Special Abilities

Teaching Reading and Writing to Your Child

Reading and writing with your children can help you to build better relationships with them. Reading involves interacting with your child and allows you to set a time aside that you specifically spend with your child. As you create a relaxed and fun atmosphere reading together, your relationship can become stronger. The more opportunities you get to be with your child alone, the easier it can get for both of you to share, and parents find that other issues affecting their children can be expressed, and once out in the open, are easier to discuss.


Stories in books can be used to explain difficult situations and discuss confusing topics with your children. Whether you’re at home, on the bus, in the shops or at the doctor’s surgery or even hospital, there are countless opportunities to help your child to learn. Teaching your children to read and write gives you the chance to talk with them and read together, plus there are fun ways to develop their writing skills too. As a Parent you will have improved confidence in your ability to provide support for your children. Parents and especially first time parents are buffeted from all directions with information on what they should and should not do. Often parents feel inadequate, and at a loss as to how best to care for and support their children. The simple act of reading and being able to achieve positive results with your child can be a big boost for your confidence and can be a building block for continued support and involvement in the growth and development of your child.


Helene Goldnadel says that teaching your child to read and write can provide opportunities to take part in organised activities based in schools or other venues, and form new friendships with other parents through school activities, a neutral place where you can take part in enjoyable, focused activities. This can be particularly useful if you don’t live with your child or your everyday life does not provide opportunities to meet and mix with different people.


Parents with low literacy levels themselves can use this opportunity to learn and develop their own skills. Being able to read and write with your children can provide the motivation and support to join a more formal education class, and create opportunities for voluntary or paid work in schools or the wider community.


So what can you as a parent to help your child read and write better?


As a Parent you need to talk and listen to your children in order to make a good start in teaching them how to read and write. This will give your children an opportunity to hear how language is put together into sentences and prepare them to become readers and writers.


You need to set aside even just 10 minutes a day to read stories with your child as this helps build important skills as well as capturing your child’s interest in books. Books are a rich source of information for your child because they provide certain words which may not be used frequently in everyday conversations. From their earliest days babies enjoy listening to stories and looking at books.


In order to make teaching your child to read and write as easy and enjoyable as possible, choose books that you both enjoy and then spend time reading together and telling stories. You could talk about the pictures and characters in the books and make up your own. You could discuss how your children’s heroes might use books and reading to achieve the things they do.


Teaching your children to read and write does not have to always be formal. You can talk to your children about the world around them and read as you walk down the street and round the shops, pointing out signs and words and talking about them.

Make Reading Important – Helene Goldnadel

Some may disagree with me, but it is my opinion that the two most important subjects taught in school are reading and math. Reading is certainly the most important. Our education system itself is based on the ability to read. Tell a student that reading is important in learning how to do math and they usually don’t understand just how important. As they get into the upper grades and high school, it may be too late if they do not have good reading skills.


Parents have to encourage their children to read at home. Many parents fail to realize that their children are not reading enough. They seem to think that children do all the reading they need during the school day. This is far from the truth.


Why do so many students seem to dislike reading? Or maybe the question should be why do so many students think that reading is not important? Every teacher continually stresses to their students how important reading is and has some sort of reading program to encourage their students to read. If this is so, then where are we going wrong and who is responsible? How can we reverse this trend of children not wanting to read?


Helene Goldnadel says that responsibility falls on two groups: teachers and parents. They have to work together to ensure that students are following some sort of reading program. Parents have to be more diligent in ensuring that their children are reading at home. They have to become involved in what they are reading. Ask them questions about the book such as the plot, setting, main characters, etc. When children see that their parents are interested in what they are doing, it gives them a sense of pride and they begin to attach importance to it.


Some parents actually give their children excuses when it comes to not reading. They have them enrolled in too many activities which interfere with school work. The swimming lessons, soccer games etc. have more importance attached to them than reading. It doesn’t mean such extra curricular activities are not important in the development of children, but there has to be a balance.


The solution to improve the reading skills of children is simple. Get them to read without making them feel they “have” to. Show them that reading can be enjoyable. Show them that reading is important. It is not rocket science. It is just letting children know the importance of reading. One of the best things a parent can do is to show an interest and be active in what their children are reading. Having your child read to you once in awhile and then discuss what has been read is another way to attach importance to reading. Children who fail to realize the importance of having good reading skills are at a disadvantage as they progress through our education system and then into the work force. Students that are avid readers usually do better in their studies. Let’s give them all a better chance to be successful by continuing to stress the importance of reading in school and at home.


Also read: Reasons by Helene Goldnadel Why Your Child Hates Reading

Reading Games to Help Your Child Read

Most of the time you can trust the diagnosing dyslexia and dyslexia treatment of your children to skilled teachers in your local education system. Dyslexia in children is now routinely screened for and detected. But every parent wants to help his or her kids do better in school.

And many parents feel that the education of their children is too important to pass off to the teachers and forget about. If you have a child with dyslexia or a child who is having difficulty in reading you want to help. You want to get involved in homework, interact with your child and understand how the child is progressing.

Fortunately there are a variety of tools available to help you in this. Helene Goldnadel discusses some of them here.

First off, there is a line of computer games used in the diagnosis of dyslexia in children that you might want to look into. There is a whole series of such games developed by The Diagnostic Gaming Company, with different games used for different ages and stages of development of the children they are designed to test.

Qualified specialists have participated in the design and testing of these games, to make them useful tools in early dyslexia screening and testing.

It ends up being just some fun games for the children to play. They usually have no idea that there is some kind of test involved. A parent or teacher reads the manual first, understands what is supposed to happen and can just unobtrusively watch while the children play. Parts of the games are designed to test for dyslexia symptoms.

If a child has a potential problem with some dyslexic condition, then that child will have difficulties with certain parts of the game. An adult observer who knows the rules from reading the handbook can quickly see, and make note of, the specific problem area. Then armed with the info a specialist can be consulted.

Also there are games available that help treat dyslexia symptoms in children. Games have been developed using proven methods to help dyslexic children work around and overcome their problems. Trained specialists have incorporated these methods and techniques into games that children find to be both entertaining and fun.

That makes the games easy to teach the children and play with. This, as well as being highly effective in teaching useful skills and ways to overcome dyslexia symptoms.

These games are easy to obtain over the Internet. You can download them and print out the parts that need to be printed out. Then you read over the instructions and start playing the games with your children. For many games the whole thing can be downloaded, printed out and started playing within minutes.

To read more, please visit here:

Why Your Child Needs Good Reading Habits?

Lifelong success depends upon developing a few basic skills; reading is one these. It is not just your child’s academic success that will be impacted by the development of good reading habits, but also many other aspects of life as well. Why is it so vital to develop good reading habits? Here are the top reasons good reading habits are absolutely vital for any child’s success.


Vocabulary expansion. Reading is one of the best ways to add new words to your child’s vocabulary. Susan Canizares, PhD, who specializes in the development of language and literacy, explains how reading can expose your child to a world of new words and phrases: “When you read aloud to your child, you are not only helping to prepare her to learn to read, you are also exposing her to rich language she otherwise might not hear.”


Increased attention span. So many children today suffer from short attention spans; reading is an excellent way to combat this. Focusing on a book requires a child to stay in one place and pay attention, which will help to expand their attention span and focus better in all areas of life.


Preparing your child for school. School is a very reading intensive environment. Children who have developed good reading habits early in life will have a much easier to adjusting to this environment.


Encourage a love of books for a lifetime. When you develop good reading habits in your child early in life, you encourage them to develop a lifelong love of the written word. They will be more likely to continue reading throughout their life, assisting in further education.


Reading makes children want to learn. Reading encourages curiosity about the world, and leads children to want to learn and discover even more. It leads children to ask question and seek out answers, encouraging them to learn more.


Below are few simple ways by Helene Goldnadel that parents can help to develop the good reading habits in their children that will serve them well for a lifetime:


  • Start reading to your children from a very young age
  • Spend some time reading your own books, as this will be a model for your children
  • Take the time to talk to your child about what they have been reading


Parents are the best possible role models for their children when it comes to good reading habits. This will help them to develop the motivation needed to read.


To learn more, visit here:

Interesting Findings on the Effect of Reading to Newborns

We all want our children to do well in life. One way to give them a good head start is to read to them even as newborns. Research on reading to newborns shows that not only will this be an activity that will bond you and your baby, it will also create a solid foundation for your child’s growth and development. It will also teach them to speak and learn the valuable skill of reading.


Helene Goldnadel believes reading to newborns will begin the learning process of communication, vocabulary and listening skills. It will stimulate the imagination and introduce the child to the idea of stories, shapes, colors, numbers and letters. It also builds the child’s memory and thinking skills.


A child normally begins saying their first word(s) between 13 and 18 months old. Reading to a child from the time they are born will help them to hear and to know more words. Children who have been read to from the beginning normally talk better by the time they are two years old than children who have not been read to. In many cases, they also begin to read sooner and better than children who have not been read to.


Experts suggest that you read to your newborn using expression and emotion. Read with excitement, joy, compassion or other emotions associated with the story. Later your child will make a connection with and understand those emotions. Use diverse voices for the various characters and varying pitches in your voice. Feel free to interact with your child by adding some of your own commentary. You can ask the child questions even though the child cannot answer. For instance, if you are reading a story involving a duck you can point to the duck and say, “Do you see the yellow duck? He’s a cute little, yellow duck isn’t he?” The baby will hear and learn from this.


Some may find it difficult to understand that it is beneficial to read to a newborn, however, think of yourself when trying to learn a new language, for instance. You listen to the instructor speak and begin to take in the information, but you don’t understand it at first. Eventually, as you continue to listen, it will all come together and you will begin to understand, and speak the new language. This is the way it is with a newborn. We can learn new skills through repetition and so does a child. What we read to a newborn is taken into the child’s brain. As the child continues to hear the words and continues to develop you will begin to notice the results of your efforts.


Reading to a newborn will not only draw you and the child closer together, it will help with the child’s emotional development. The child will feel loved, safe and happy. Later the child will make a connection between love, safety, happiness and reading.


Reading to your newborn does not need to take up a great length of time. You can start out by reading just a couple minutes at a time, several times per day. To help the child to establish a routine a scheduled time to read may be best. Perhaps reading before putting the newborn down for a nap or at bedtime.


You may become bored reading children’s books on a regular basis so why not read a book or magazine article to your child that you enjoy or find interesting. That way you will be spending time with your infant, reading to them and helping with their development while reading something that you appreciate as well.